Monday, January 23, 2017

“Why” Are You Producing Short Films?

Here’s the deal:
In this digital age of social media and online commerce, I believe that everyone has the power and available resources to thrive just as well as any other major player in their industry. For us indie filmmakers, I’m specifically talking about rising our respective production companies to the level of a major studio.

Yeah right!

No, I seriously believe that with today’s resources it’s possible to only make a career out of your short films (and other content), but to also thrive in the industry as well. 

But there's a catch:

You see, we have all the information and tools needed to create, market, and distribute our films. And although, our tools aren’t as extravagant as the studios', all of the tools at our disposal can get the job done just the same (albeit with a lot more effort).

So, what's the real story?

Because it’s not about the filmmaking dream being inaccessible anymore. 

Today, it’s actually similar to how musicians would (and still) create garage bands. They would create a band and hit the road to develop a following; and eventually grow from there. Only, in today’s digital landscape, it's become a bit more challenging to get noticed due to an oversaturated market of content from other artists. So, the real questions become, “How do we get noticed?” and:

Why does this matter?

 I actually discussed this in a previous post. Which must’ve had my subconscious mind at work; because when I stumbled across this TED talk from 2009 a light bulb went off in my head. Basically, the talk is about our “why”. Meaning, it’s not about what we do, or how we do it. It’s about our “why”. Because that is what inspires others to follow our journey.


The difference between an iphone and a galaxy phone (for all intents and purposes) is minimal. However, the reasons why Apple and Samsung create their respective smartphones is what’s important. Because we (as the consumer) will ultimately by from the company we most identify with; and our identifier is all based on the company’s “why”.

I can't emphasize this video enough.

The talk makes other compelling arguments about how we can elevate our companies to the next level, by sticking to this “why” principal. But my main takeaway, was the importance of finding my “why”in the first place. Because a good poster, trailer, or even marketing strategy can only go so far. Eventually, people will want to identify with, or become inspired, by my “why”.

Bottom Line?

So, here’s mine, “Formed Filled Productions is spreading light into a world that is often overconsumed by darkness. Through our unique perspectives in cinematic storytelling, we plan to expand upon how we ALL perceive (and interact) with one another. Thereby, creating a smaller, more relatable, and illuminated world in the process.”

What’s yours?

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